Anger Is Power

Anger is Power

In 2006 I came across this article about ‘Anger’ in the ‘Health’N Vitality’ magazine #39 I strongly resonated with it. This collage is my way…

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Puzzle People

Puzzle People

For a long time I had this idea floating around my brain of using a puzzle overlay on some of my graphics. So I posted…

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Solar Flares Graphic

17/12/1999 I found at the discovery channel’s online site a camera that takes ultraviolet pictures of the solar flares. As soon as I saw the…

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Marlies Mandala

12/12/1998 Since I have been drawn to creating things in the round lately, it has been a natural progression to “Mandalas”. Here is the dictionary…

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The Cave

September 1998 This graphic is a combination of my interests in graphic design, native interests and the runes. The cave background, the owl, spider’s web, spider, and…

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