There are Word Cloud Generator Alternatives to Wordle

wordle - marliesEver since I discovered Wordle, a word cloud graphics generator, I have been using it for all kinds of creations. Recently, I have run into trouble using Wordle as it depends on JavaScript and some browser block it. One day the program works for me and the next I have trouble with it. That lead me to look for alternatives.

Here are some free online word cloud creators or generators I have tried out and what I think of them.

I am using the same text on each of them. The text are the 7 quotes for week 52 on my Inspirado website:

1. You do not have control over your thoughts, you just have to stop letting them control you.
2. Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving. Albert Einstein
3. Instead of thinking outside the box, get rid of the box. —Deepak Chopra
4. When someone tells you about their problems, it does not always mean they are COMPLAINING. It means they TRUST you.
5. One day you will be just a memory for some people. Do you best to be a good one.
6. Do not ask people to do what you are not willing to do. —Ray Higdon
7. Stop making resolutions and just start something.

For some reason Wordle worked today on my computer, when a few days ago JavaScript gave me trouble.

  • Wordle is easy to use and make changes to layout, colors and fonts
  • Saving the graphic is not straight forward. I use a free program called “Jing” from Techsmith
wordle word cloud

wordle word cloud

Tagxedo Creator

  • I like this one
  • It allows you to fill shapes with words
  • It has enough options to make changes to colors, fonts and layout
tagxedo word cloud

tagxedo word cloud

Word It Out – Make a Word Cloud

  • not quite what I was looking for
word it out word cloud

word it out word cloud

Jason Davies Word Cloud

  • This is my least favorite way. It does not give me enough control over the output
Jason Davies word cloud

Jason Davies word cloud

I would like to hear from you and your experience. Please leave a comment below.



  1. Only ever used Wordle before but I liked this. Adding images is easy though a silhouette works best, I found. I need to up-skill in order to add new colour themes!

  2. Tagxedo is fantastic!! I was really bummed when Wordle stopped working for me, but I like Tagxedo much better. So glad I found this article! Thanks. 🙂

  3. does anyone know how to put an “&” sign in Tagxedo?

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